Abscesses are like the perfect emergency. They are an emergency because not treating them could cause them to burst into the bloodstream, a direct point access to the bloodstream by the pathogen, which could be hard to treat, like MRSA. They also hurt- a lot. All the pressure from the pus build-up can really dig at a person. Once you lance them, the pain, pressure, danger is immediately gone. The patient usually can go home with an antibiotic if there are no complications or cellulitis. Abscesses are a quick trip to the emergency room and something can be physically done to relieve the patient. Perfect.
My patient that brought all this to mind was a nice guy I had yesterday. When I took his vital signs, I noticed tracks all up and down his arms- a heroin user. He must have tried to stick himself in the femoral vein, because on his upper thigh, he had an egg-shaped and sized hard lump. There was a small bump at the top... it was ripe for slicin'.
The doctors came in with gowns and masks- injected lidocaine, and lanced it with a scalpel. I swabbed the output to send to the lab. It wasn't a big deal- but later I laughed at myself for how excited I got to see the abscess being lanced. There's something so relieving about seeing something so swollen, red, hot-to-the-touch, painful-looking get fixed immediately. The pain and suffering is visible. The foul, purulent drainage is symbolic for the pain and suffering- when it comes out, the pain and suffering is also released.
The patient thanked us and then asked to see his girlfriend. Girlfriend? She was in the next room, with 3 abscesses in the same area!!
I gowned up and went next door for round 2.
Yay abscess! Fun to drain, and a good starter procedure for interns.